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Kabala Jewelry and Judaica

A silver ring with gold accents featuring three blessings.

A silver ring with gold accents featuring three blessings.

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Regular price NIS1,900.00 ILS
Regular price NIS2,049.00 ILS Sale price NIS1,900.00 ILS
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A silver ring with gold accents featuring three blessings:

  1. "Anah B'koach" - A seven-line piyyut attributed to Rabbi Nehunia ben HaKaneh from the first century of the Common Era. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the piyyut was written based on the name of the forty-two-letter name mentioned in the Talmud: "Rabbi Yehuda said in the name of Rav, the forty-two-letter name is not delivered except to one who is modest, humble, stands half of his days in study, does not get angry, does not get drunk, and does not insist on his honor." The combination is encrypted in the first forty-two letters of the Book of Genesis, from the word "Bereshit" to the letter "Bet" of the word "Vavohu."

  2. "Ben Porat Yosef" - "Ben Porat Yosef" is the blessing Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Joseph is considered protected from the evil eye of creatures.

  3. "Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad" - "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is One." It is a direct call to the Creator, a segulah (a special spiritual remedy) for every trouble and a solution for every problem.

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