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Kabala Jewelry and Judaica

A silver ring with a combination of gold and the blessing "Ana B'koach" engraved on it.

A silver ring with a combination of gold and the blessing "Ana B'koach" engraved on it.

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Regular price NIS1,970.00 ILS
Regular price NIS2,049.00 ILS Sale price NIS1,970.00 ILS
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A silver ring with a 9K gold combination, featuring the blessing "Ana B'koach."

"Ana B'koach gedulat y'mincha, tatir tz'rurah..."
This seven-line piyyut (liturgical poem) is attributed to Rabbi Nechunia ben HaKaneh from the first century of the Common Era.
According to tradition, the piyyut is based on the name formed by the first forty-two letters of the Book of Genesis, from the word "Bereshit" to the letter "Vav" in the word "V'bohu."
The letters are encoded by a secret formula known by the Kabbalists, and they form the name "Ben Melech," meaning "Son of the King."
Rabbi Nechunia ben HaKaneh knew that there would come a time when people would lose their spirituality.
For this reason, he composed a prayer using these initials. Each letter represents one of the seven sefirot (divine emanations):
Aleph-Bet-Gimel-Dalet-Hei-Vav-Zayin: Chesed (Kindness) - symbolized by the constellations of Capricorn and Aquarius (Saturn).
Kuf-Resh-Shin-Tav-Nun-Peh-Ayin: Gevurah (Strength) - symbolized by the constellations of Sagittarius and Pisces (Jupiter).
Nun-Gimel-Dalet-Yud-Kuf-Tzadi-Tet: Tiferet (Beauty) - symbolized by the constellations of Aries and Scorpio (Mars).
Bet-Tet-Resh-Tzadi-Tzadik-Chet-Tet: Netzach (Eternity) - symbolized by the constellation of Leo (Sun).
Chet-Kuf-Bet-Tet-Nun-Tzadi-Gimel: Hod (Glory) - symbolized by the constellations of Taurus and Libra (Venus).
Yud-Gimel-Lamed-Peh-Kuf-Tzadi: Yesod (Foundation) - symbolized by the constellations of Gemini and Virgo (Mercury).
Shin-Kuf-Vav-Tzadi-Tav: Malchut (Kingship) - symbolized by the constellation of Cancer (Moon).
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