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Kabala Jewelry and Judaica

A silver bracelet with a combination of gold, adorned with the stones of the High Priest's breastplate.

A silver bracelet with a combination of gold, adorned with the stones of the High Priest's breastplate.

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Regular price NIS2,345.00 ILS
Regular price Sale price NIS2,345.00 ILS
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A silver bracelet with a combination of gold, adorned with the 12 stones of the High Priest's breastplate, including a diamond.

The High Priest Aaron, the first one, used the breastplate to receive messages and answers from the Holy One.

  1. Adom (Ruby) - Tribe of Reuben - Month of Nisan - Zodiac sign of Aries: Good for fertility and easy childbirth.
  2. Pitdah (Topaz) - Tribe of Simeon - Month of Iyar - Zodiac sign of Taurus: Increases leadership and self-control, protects from dangers and accidents.
  3. Bareket (Emerald) - Tribe of Levi - Month of Sivan - Zodiac sign of Gemini: Strengthens memory, calms tensions and anger, aids in problem-solving.
  4. Nofech (Garnet) - Tribe of Judah - Month of Tammuz - Zodiac sign of Cancer: Enhances motivation, courage, and determination. Neutralizes fears, shyness, and negative moods. Attracts success and abundance.
  5. Sapir (Sapphire) - Tribe of Issachar - Month of Av - Zodiac sign of Leo: Unlocks wisdom, considered the stone of truth.
  6. Yahalom (Diamond) - Tribe of Zebulun - Month of Elul - Zodiac sign of Virgo: Eases stress, boosts self-confidence, and protects from negative energies.
  7. Leshem (Lapis Lazuli) - Tribe of Dan - Month of Cheshvan - Zodiac sign of Scorpio: The stone of abundance, attracts success and wealth, encourages decision-making and strengthens intimate relationships.
  8. Shvo (Agate) - Tribe of Naphtali - Month of Kislev - Zodiac sign of Sagittarius: Provides strength and vigor, strengthens self-confidence.
  9. Achlamah (Amethyst) - Tribe of Gad - Month of Tevet - Zodiac sign of Capricorn: Helps find inner peace, assists in overcoming sorrow and fears, and protects from diseases.
  10. Tarshish (Aquamarine) - Tribe of Asher - Month of Shevat - Zodiac sign of Aquarius: Considered a calming stone, good for communication, strengthens the connection and understanding between partners.
  11. Shoham (Onyx) - Tribe of Joseph - Month of Adar - Zodiac sign of Pisces: Enhances self-control, neutralizes fears and negativity, eases stress and depression.
  12. Yashfeh (Jasper) - Tribe of Benjamin - Month of Tishrei - Zodiac sign of Libra: Encourages perseverance and continuity, provides strength and endurance.
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