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Kabala Jewelry and Judaica

A silicone bracelet featuring three blessings, made of silver with gold accents.

A silicone bracelet featuring three blessings, made of silver with gold accents.

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Regular price NIS1,149.00 ILS
Regular price Sale price NIS1,149.00 ILS
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A black silicone bracelet with silver and gold beads featuring the inscription "Shema Yisrael."

The bracelet also includes a piyyut of seven lines attributed to Rabbi Nechunia ben HaKaneh from the first century CE. According to Kabbalistic tradition, the piyyut is written based on the name "MB" (מ"ב) mentioned in the Talmud, which should be given only to those who are modest, humble, stand in prayer for half their lives, are not angry, do not get drunk, and do not take up more space than they need.

Each letter of the name "MB" represents one of the seven sefirot according to Kabbalistic teachings:

  • Chesed (Kindness): Capricorn and Sagittarius (Saturday's star).
  • Gevurah (Severity): Pisces and Sagittarius (Jupiter's star).
  • Tiferet (Beauty): Aries and Scorpio (Mars's star).
  • Netzach (Victory): Leo (Sun's star).
  • Hod (Glory): Taurus and Libra (Venus's star).
  • Yesod (Foundation): Gemini and Virgo (Mercury's star).
  • Malchut (Kingdom): Cancer (Moon's star).

The bracelet is imbued with powerful blessings, invoking divine protection and solutions for any challenges. The verse "Yiftach Hashem L'cha Et Otzaro HaTov" expresses the Creator's promise of abundant goodness and blessings. The phrase "Shema Yisrael Hashem Eloheinu Hashem Echad" is a direct call to the Creator and is believed to possess significant spiritual and protective qualities.

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