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Kabala Jewelry and Judaica

A rotating silver ring with the engraved phrase "Ani BeKoach" (Please with Strength) in a wavy design.

A rotating silver ring with the engraved phrase "Ani BeKoach" (Please with Strength) in a wavy design.

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Regular price NIS1,605.00 ILS
Regular price NIS2,049.00 ILS Sale price NIS1,605.00 ILS
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A rotating silver ring with the engraved phrase "Ani BeKoach Gedulat Yemincha Tater Tzrurah" (Please with the strength of Your great right hand, untie our bundle) and adorned with onyx gemstones.

The onyx stone aids in calming and promoting a continuous flow of life and energy. It enables us to reach inner peace and acceptance of others.

The seven-line piyyut attributed to Rabbi Nechunya ben HaKaneh from the first century is written on the name formed by the first forty-two letters of the Book of Genesis, from the word "Bereshit" to the letter "Vav" of the word "Vavohu." Each letter is encrypted through a secret formula known to the Kabbalists and forms the name "Ben Melech Bet" (Son of the King Bet). This prayer was written by Rabbi Nechunya ben HaKaneh, who foresaw a time when people would lose their spirituality. For this reason, he composed a prayer with the initials representing the same letters. According to Kabbalah, each letter represents one of the seven sefirot:

Alef Bet Gimel Yod Tzadik - Chesed: Energy of giving - Zodiac signs of Capricorn and Aquarius (Saturn)

Kuf Reish Shin Tav - Gevurah: Energy of removing negativity - Zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Pisces (Jupiter)

Nun Gimel Dalet Yud - Tiferet: Energy of abundance and light - Zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio (Mars)

Bet Tet Resh Tzadi - Netzach: Energy of overcoming obstacles, emotional strength to rise after falling - Zodiac sign of Leo (Sun)

Chet Kaf Vav Tzadik - Hod: Energy of developing the sixth sense and spiritual intelligence, breakthrough of deeper insight - Zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra (Venus and Mercury)

Yud Gimmel Lamed Pey - Yesod: Energy of redemption, the purpose of the combination to accelerate the foundations of Kabbalistic wisdom and spirituality in the sixth millennium - Zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo (Mercury)

Shin Kuf Vav Tzadi - Malchut: Energy of renewal, removal of physical, emotional, and spiritual barriers - Zodiac sign of Cancer (Moon)
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